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Energy efficiency & energy conservation: Are these 2 different?

Sangram Desai

Many times when talking about the energy the concept of efficiency and conservation are used interchangeably. However, both are very independent terms and should not be confused with one another.

Energy conservation primarily hints at altering behavior and habits that may lead to energy savings in the longer run. However, energy efficiency is not about reducing energy usage but is all about making the usage worthwhile irrespective of how many hours you may be using a lamp or how many hours you may have run the production machine.

Thus, the approach to energy needs to be streamlined from the start and the ideas of conservation should be paid attention to separately as opposed to efficiency. Having said that, when you are conserving energy it does not mean that you will neglect efficiency and who said both cannot be done together? That’s where a good energy audit system comes into play. Yes, when you audit your production line and your existing unit by taking help from a knowledgeable auditor, half your work is done. After that, it is all about working within the framework suggested by the auditor.

So, how can you conserve energy?

Use energy-efficient light bulbs. Install energy-saving CFL or LED bulbs to use 25-35 percent less energy per usage cycle, compared to regular incandescent bulbs.

Clean or replace air filters as recommended by your auditor. The air conditioner and heater are the biggest energy users and these appliances have to work even harder with dirty air filters. So, give the usage a focus, and do not allow your heating or cooling devices to overheat by running on unclean filters.

These are 2 key ways in which you can conserve a gamut of energy and probably cut down your worries to half. But reaching a point where you monitor these behavioral shifts is not an easy way ahead and you will need a very detailed analysis of your production unit in order to make this shift.

Then, how to be efficient with all functions starting from here?

With the conservation tasks done rightly, now is your time to monitor the energy efficiencies of each device. Be it CFL or otherwise, you will have to keep a tab on the working hours and other aspects of each device. This is a very meticulous task and in order to be seamless and efficient a constant look at the running of every electrical device is a must. You will have to count the hours, check the functions, and thereby derive if the same task can be done in a shorter duration. The moment you can achieve the same output by diminishing the time to even a quarter, you know you have started your journey to energy efficiency.

It is simple math and to be energy efficient you need to first identify your working pattern and the number of devices you need for each task. Then comes the time management factor. All these go hand in hand and form the bigger ecosystem of energy efficiency. But in order to start your journey you will not need to maintain lengthily excels, but simply have to assign the task to an auditor and make them guide you on your journey to efficiency and conservation. Contact us to give feedback or know more.



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