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Energy audit for a greener future

Sangram Desai

Energy management and audits help you gauge an efficient energy pathway, which maximizes the energy resources you use minimizing the cost.

Energy Audit is a systematic approach that helps you with better decision-making in the area of energy management. It attempts to balance the total energy inputs with its use, and serves to identify all the energy streams in a facility. It quantifies energy usage according to its discrete functions.

As per the Energy Conservation Act, 2001, Energy Audit is defined as “the verification, mon3. ENERGY MANAGEMENT AND AUDIT.

Why do you think energy audit is important?

When you are running your own production unit or are part of an industry, then there are three top operating expenses that are energy inclusive and exclusive (both electricaland thermal), labour and materials. In all these mentioned components, energy is the key driver and bears the maximum cost of operation. So, managing the functions of energy will considerably reduce the function’s dependence on energy and the operational costs.

Energy Audit will help you understand more about the ways energy and fuel are used in any industry, and help in identifying the areas where wastage are there and where scope for improvement exists. An Energy Audit will give a positive orientation to the energy cost reduction, preventive maintenance, and quality control programs, which are vital for production and utility activities. Such an audit programme will help to keep focus on variations which occur in the energy costs, availability and reliability of supply of energy, decide on appropriate energy mix, identify energy conservation technologies, retrofit for energy conservation equipment etc.

To put in simpler terms, Energy Audit will help you gain access to energy conservation ideas that you can turn into reality easily through assisted guidelines from the auditor.

What is the main objective of energy audit?

The primary objective of Energy Audit is to determine ways to reduce energy consumptionper unit of product output or to lower operating costs. Energy Audit provides a benchmark (Reference point) for managing energy in the organization and also provides the basis for planning a more effective use of energy throughout your organization.

Government benefits for energy efficiency

The Energy Conservation Act (EC Act) enacted in 2001 had the goal of reducing energy intensity of Indian economy. Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) was set up as the statutory body on 1st March 2002 at the central level to facilitate the implementation of this Act. Vide the Act regulatory mandate for: standards & labeling of equipment and appliances; energy conservation building codes for commercial buildings; and energy consumption norms for energy intensive industries are done. In addition, the Act enjoins the Central Govt. and the Bureau to take steps to facilitate and promote energy efficiency in all sectors of the economy.

The Central Government issues energy savings certificate to the designated consumer whose energy consumption is less than the prescribed norms and standards in accordance with the procedure as may be prescribed. Thus, in order to gain government benefits and know if you and your production and energy operations are well within the efficiency benchmark, you must hire an official auditor.

What will the auditor help you achieve?

From having the knowhow of government policies to the knowledge of energy efficiency, the auditor will guide you through a plan, which can be simply outlined as follows:

Assessing present pattern of energy consumption in different positions and touchpoints of operations.

Co-relating energy inputs with production output.

Identifying potential areas of thermal and electrical energy economy.

Highlighting wastage and tracing a path to restrict that.

Fixing of energy saving potential targets for individual arenas.

Implementation of measures of energy conservation in order to increase savings.

The auditor or audit firm will help you gain an in-depth idea of energy savings and in return they will share a process through which you can economically revive your industry or production unit’s energy consumption. Depending on the type of association you are keen to make with the auditing firm, your benefits will be aligned. It is always good to have the energy management team as a consultant for long-term help. This way, at every walk of the way they will guide you towards efficiency and help you save a lot of money in the process.

For more assistance and to get a detailed energy report and consultation, get in touch with us



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