Can a small organization go for certification?
This is the basic question we are facing for so many years.
Yes, any size of business can adopt the ISO system & Certifications. I have audited the smallest organization with 2 people and the largest organization with 10000 people for ISO 9001 standards.
Do I need a system or Certification only?
Due to wrong practices followed in the market, people don’t know that System is required to be implemented before going for the Certification process, basically no standard talks about the Certification. It talks about how using these standards organizations can improve in the area like QMS, EMS, OHSMS, or FSMS.
Can Service Industry go for ISO Certification?
Yes! Any industry regardless of size, sector, Product, or service location can go for ISO certification. This is a generic standard so as per the feasibility of the organization, the system can be designed and implemented before certification assessment.
Does Certification require an Audit?
Yes! If you are paying for ISO Certification insist to the Certification body to send an Auditor who will Audit your system and identify the areas for improvement. It’s an authentic way for certification and time to review the effectiveness of the system. Opportunity for improvement and reduce faults.
Who is the authority for issuing Certification?
There are many wrong practices being followed these days so understand clearly.
Only the Certification body has the authority to issue the Certificate of registration after the necessary assessment. Who has been accredited by an Accreditation body which is part of IAF i.e. International Accreditation Forum.
How to check the Authenticity of the Certificate?
Check the Certificate issuing body i.e. CAB should be Accredited by the Accredited body. Every country has its Accreditation body and all these bodies shall be registered under the IAF i.e. International Accreditation forum.
Every Certification body has to update the status of every certificate issued by them on the website and inform the same of their accreditation body.
How much time is required for Certification?
For implementing the system as per ISO 9001:2015 in any type or organization required a minimum of 3 months, after that they can conduct the Internal Audit & MRM, once they are through can approach to Certification body for certification. And after successful completion of the Audit min weeks time required for issuing the certificate in soft, followed by hard copy through courier.
Does ISO mean a lot of documents?
It was a myth spread all over, old consultants who started implementing the system in the first version created and still follow huge records and documents.
No document is asked unnecessarily by standard to prepare, everything necessary for the management and growth of the organization is asked to be followed and maintained.
In spite of spending money on ISO certification, not achieved the desired result.
It's a common dialogue because the owner assigns an Employed person for the system implementation and never invests their own time in understanding the requirements of the standard, and implementing the system so could not reap the benefits of the ISO standard
Which Certification one should go for?
Organizations of any kind/size can go for ISO 9001:2015, Any organization planning to grow or make improvements can adopt the system voluntarily. understand the requirements, design the system, implement and review the system and when comfortable for certification.
One can adopt standards like EMS i.e. ISO 14001 to show the outside world your concern about the Environment,
OHSMS i.e. ISO 45001 can be adopted if you wish to ensure safety within your organization.
for different segments like Food, one can choose FSMS i.e. ISO 22001, Medical devices one can choose ISO 13485, etc.